"The stakes were a lot higher Thursday night for Gov. Sarah Palin, the Alaska governor, as she faced her opponent Senator Joe Biden in the sole vice presidential debate of the election, but most accounts indicate that she exceeded expectations."-Michael Falcone
Both vice predidential canidates made really good points in their debate, although both had some strong arguments against each other, they both remained professional and kept their composure.
How does this "professional" blog differ from blogs you have taken a look at up to this point?
The blog that I followed this time is different from the ones I've followed before in that it was very political. The professional blog had advertisments, and many comments. And it was by the New York Times, which is very popular to readers that follow politcals. I would consider this blog more serious then the previous ones I've taken a look at.
Take a specific issue presented in the blog, describe how that issue is presented, and provide your own response.
One specific issue in the political blog was the Vice-Presidential debate. Between Palin and Biden, they both discussed their views on different issues in our country and world wide. I think that this issue is very important, becuase registered voters want not only a good president, but a good vice president to strongly back them up in order to run a good country.
The Caucus NY Times <---Link To Blog
I actually heard before the debate that it would be the one to watch. However, both vice presidential candidates kept their composure. Although, I believe, Biden was voted to win the overall debate in recent polls. The quote says that Palin exceeded expectations and I think this will actually give her the chance for people to believe that she could hold the vice presidential office and do a good job.
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