Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Election 2008

With this years presidential election, I think that there were many factors that made its way into the desicion making of the peoples votes. Starting with the youth votes, I think that technology played a major role as to which candidate they would choose. Since the primary sources for the youths entertainment are the internet and tv, I think that when the youth go to the favorite channel or website, there was always some kind of advertisement about the candidates that made them aware of the issues, and probably made them make up their mind on who they want to vote for.
With Barack Obama winning the election, I think that looking at the global perpective, most of the other countries like how he will be the new president of the united states. For example, "Gordon Brown, UK prime minister, hailed Barack Obama’s victory as a moment which would ‘live in history as long as history books are written’, saying he looked forward to working ‘extremely closely’ with the new president." && "Italians of all stripes appeared enthralled by the victory of Barack Obama, and highlighted in their reactions his youth and ‘newness’" && "Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s former president, hailed Barack Obama’s victory and said he trusted that he would make it the mission of his presidency to combat the ‘scourge of poverty and disease everywhere’"
Since the election ended, the Republicans have been getting a bad rep. For example " Republicans will have gone from controlling every arm of government to controlling none." I think that America likes how there will be a democrat in the white house for a change, literally, becuase they want change.
With the political that I followed, they discussed the victory of Barack Obama, and also gave respect to John McCain's concession speech.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Politics Politics Politics

Over the past week, basically the only thing we hear about on the news is the presidential election between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama. On the blog that I've been following, The Caucus NY Times, it is pretty much full of this weeks information on the two presidential candidates.
For example, "One week ago, Joe Wurzelbacherwas just another working man living in a modest ranch house near Toledo thinking about how to expand his plumbing business. But when he stopped Senator Barack Obama during a visit to his block this weekend to ask about his taxes, he set himself on a path to being the newest media celebrity — and, like other celebrities, found himself under scrutiny." -Larry Rohter & Liz Robbins (The Caucus). Just last night, this topic was brought up in the debate. John McCain actually used the term "plumber Joe" surprisingly McCain used the term as way of criticizing Obama's plans on taxes and spreading the wealth.
Watch Live Footage!
In other news, there was another post that was about Obama and how he remained "steady" while McCain attacked him. "By contrast, Mr. Obama responded to Mr. McCain’s lines of attacks by smiling and slightly shaking his head, but otherwise maintained a blank expression and an unfailing monotone. For those voters who like to fall in love with their politicians by finding a common humanity, Mr. Obama did not deliver at any of the three debates; he gave off very little heat, alluring or otherwise, and his composure had a certain flatness.
At times even the debate moderator, Bob Schieffer of CBS, failed to tease out a reaction or reply from Mr. Obama that was anything less than controlled."- The Caucus NY Times. Some comments on the post included the terms "strategist" and/or "calm, cool, and collected".
Overall, this weeks news in politics and last nights debate, has really started to rally up the voters for election day in less than 3 weeks.
If you watched the last debate, vote who you think won!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Caucus NY Times

"The stakes were a lot higher Thursday night for Gov. Sarah Palin, the Alaska governor, as she faced her opponent Senator Joe Biden in the sole vice presidential debate of the election, but most accounts indicate that she exceeded expectations."-Michael Falcone

Both vice predidential canidates made really good points in their debate, although both had some strong arguments against each other, they both remained professional and kept their composure.

How does this "professional" blog differ from blogs you have taken a look at up to this point?

The blog that I followed this time is different from the ones I've followed before in that it was very political. The professional blog had advertisments, and many comments. And it was by the New York Times, which is very popular to readers that follow politcals. I would consider this blog more serious then the previous ones I've taken a look at.

Take a specific issue presented in the blog, describe how that issue is presented, and provide your own response.

One specific issue in the political blog was the Vice-Presidential debate. Between Palin and Biden, they both discussed their views on different issues in our country and world wide. I think that this issue is very important, becuase registered voters want not only a good president, but a good vice president to strongly back them up in order to run a good country.

The Caucus NY Times <---Link To Blog

Thursday, September 18, 2008

American Apparel Lovers

For those of you who already know, and those of you who don't, American Apparel just emerged its way in to our schools' fashion. Eversince the beginning of last year, many people in our school, girls mostly, have been sporting the new v-neck tees from American Apparel. Why? Because they come in every color possible and their quite afforable. Nowadays, the new trend consists of these tees thrown with a pair of skinny jeans. But not only can you get can you snag these trendy tees, but also: hoodies, dresses, leggings, and bathing suits. For guys and girls, American Apparel has become the new place to shop for the simplest/trendy outfits :).

What are the Celebs Driving?

We all know that celebrities have the newest and probably the most expensive cars out there, but wouldn't you like to know what your favorite celebrity is driving? I would. I found this website/blog where it gives a list of pretty popular celebs and the whips that they ride in. Some are very surprising. Who would think that shortest celebrities drive in the biggest cars! Anyways, check out the website and tell me what car is your favorite and the celebrity that drives it!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Dumbest Generation

Are we really the dumbest generation?

Well, as hard as it is to admit, I kind of agree with that statement. Seeing is how our generation is now full of the lastest technology and equipment to make things easier for us to do. For instance, the internet, probably one of the easiest ways of finding information on about almost anything there is out there. Students these days do not feel like reading their assigned books from school, so instead they go on, Sparknotes or Cliffnotes to name a few, to get the shortest summaries of the book. By doing this, the students are not focusing on the important details of the book, but on the breif information just to pass the quiz next period. I honestly can say that I have done that before, but I learned now that in the long run it just won't cut it. Also, the internet opens up a whole new world to young teens, because now they are able to create their own websites to share with their friends. Some would probably call it addicting. Most likely the young teens rather play on the internet all afternoon instead of doing their homework or studying. And in some situations their grades drop and they are not getting the education they need to graduate whether high school or college. Along with the internet, there are other possible reasons as to why we would be the so called dumbest generation, and it's probably because students rather hang out with friends, listen to their ipods, chat with their friends on AIM, watch TV, and text message. Like Bauerlein said, "Digital natives, however, go to the Internet not to store knowledge in their minds, but to retrieve material and pass it along. The Internet is just a delivery system.''

Looking at this statement being slapped on to our generation, I really do believe that if the students use the technology offered to them in an eduational way, then I do think that it will better them in the long wrong. I know that we use the apple macbooks in school to learn about differnt applications, using the internet to find important facts, creating projects...etc. By using them in school it helps us present ourselves in a technological way. And if parents, teachers, and peers can further educate on how important it is for our generation to be well eduacated, then that would make a big impact on us.

Overall, even though being called the dumbest generation as many reasons to be backed up with, I still think that there is enough time for us to change and make the people of this world realize that we are not the dumbest but the most advanced.